Connecting Awareness To Your Wellbeing

Connecting Awareness To Your Wellbeing

1 Corinthians 13 1

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,

it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,

it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs.

 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.


How do the disparities of the world affect my wellbeing? And how can raising my awareness aid in my overall Wellness?

Hello Friends!!

Thank you for joining me this week on the Wellness Corner. First, I would like to start off by expressing my extreme gratitude for all the love and support the last couple weeks. It does not go unnoticed! So let’s jump right in. This week, unfortunately our country has seen more trying times. It has been difficult to look toward the good, when every social media and press outlet has shown us with live footage, the devastating and senseless murder of George Floyd. 

Our country is facing turmoil, divide, and the scars left by our past. Very deep wounds, that only love, reconciliation, and reform can combat. So friends, you may wonder how does this tie into your own wellness or wellbeing.

When we use good moral judgement, kindness, affirmative language, and model good habits, we can influence our communities in which we serve. Love is this very special gift that we are able to give that costs us nothing, and in return gives us back so much more. Love is the secret potion to living less toxic lives, choosing positivity over violence and creating spaces for all humankind to thrive. When we love, we penetrate a part of our selves that attaches to our overall well-being. And when we silence our moral consciousness we cut off our connection to the higher purpose. We do ourselves and others a disservice when we turn our heads to deliberate crime and acts of malicious brutality.

When we neglect to treat all human beings fairly and with equal respect we add to the growing rate of disparities amongst oppressed communities of people.
Some may ask, how does what is going on in the world connect to me directly? They may also add, if I am not the oppressor, what can I do aid in the unrest, chaos, and confusion? Most importantly we have to understand that even if we are not the direct oppressors, yet we still benefit in any way from those that are being oppressed, it just applies fuel on already burning flames.

So this week friends, take out a moment to look at parts of your life where standing against injustice, and working toward true equality and love for all can help you, your family, neighbors, colleagues, etc and develop a plan on how you would like to positively impact those communities.

My dear friends, finding a purpose, and spreading and giving love will fill you with peace and a sense of wellbeing. Aiding in the overall Wellness of yourself and the people around you. So, don’t get discouraged, fearful or anxious. Swap out those emotions with love, faith and hope for better times and days to come in our future. Please stay progressive, positive, aware and active!

The Wellness Corner with Cassandra and Ajaba Naturals offer our deepest condolences and prayers to the family and friends of George Floyd. 

In the same order that a recipe comes together with several ingredients mixed in, society as a whole works in similar ways. There are multiple levels of change that have to be mixed in together to create systems that create equality for all people. As you share this recipe with friends and family, keep in mind which ingredient you want in the bowl of effective change.

Here’s an uplifting recipe from Food Network to share with family, friends, and co-workers to spread a little extra Love!

Oh, and did I mention its entitled Strawberry Love Cake!

(Recipe Courtesy of Valerie Bertinelli From Food

Strawberry Love Cake

Non Stick Cooking Spray
1 box of Strawberry cake mix(ingredients indicated on the box, such as eggs and vegetable oil)
32 Ounces part skim ricotta cheese
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 large eggs 16 ounces mascarpone
One 3.4 ounce box instant strawberry creme pudding
1 cup milk

1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9 by 13 inch baking pan with cooking spray.
2. Prepare the cake according to the directions on the box and pour it into the prepared pan. Set aside.
3. Combine the ricotta, sugar, vanilla, eggs and 4 ounce (1/2 cup) of the mascarpone in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Beat on medium speed until smooth, scraping down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula as needed. Gently scoop the filling onto the cake batter and cover it completely.
4. Bake until a skewer inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean and the strawberry layers have risen to the top, 50 to 60 minutes. Cool completely on a rack.
5. Combine the remaining 12 ounces mascarpone with the pudding mix and milk in a clean bowl in the stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Beat on low speed until incorporated. Increase the speed to medium and beat until smooth and creamy. Spread the frosting evenly over the cake. Serve.

After enjoying your cheat day by having a little cake, I suggest jumpstarting your newfound commitment to love and awareness by trying the heart shaped Green Tea Lotion Bar by Ajaba Naturals.

Not only does this bar smell delicious with its coconut and mango butter ingredients, when rubbed across the skin it penetrates and warms creating a thin creamy moisturizing feel. The added beeswax is also an important component in helping to lock in moisture. In addition to that, I recently discovered that beeswax has anti-inflammatory properties.

For best application, rub the the lotion bar on the skin areas most affected by dryness, such as elbows, knees, and hands. You will be pleasantly surprised how pliable the Green Tea Lotion Bar is on your skin. Remember to get your skin nice and clean, find a quiet place to sit and get to rubbing a little love on top of your skin with the Heart shaped Lotion Bar and always remember to keep awareness in your heart. And I will see you back here next week on the Wellness Corner.


You are a wonderful writer and we enjoy your work. Keep sharing with us.

Thank you
LaVon Edwards

LaVon Edwards

Hello Cassandra! I have enjoyed reading your blog each week, your tips on wellness and health are so beneficial, and the recipes you have added each week are very easy to make, and are not too time consuming for this busy mom! I loved the tea recipe!
I just wanted to leave a quick note after this weeks post. Your post brought a sense of calm to my spirit after reading it. I have seen so much evil and destruction on TV, it was good to be reminded that love, faith, and hope can go a long way! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement to our communities, and kudos to Ajaba Naturals for acknowledging what is going on in this country.

LaSaundra Barnes

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