Art as Therapy

Art as Therapy

Hello Friends!!

Welcome back to another week on the Wellness Corner with Cassandra.  This week I wanted to explore Art therapy and how it can be helpful to your Wellness and Wellbeing. Have you ever sat down with young children and just colored from a coloring book or page? Do you remember how calming and relaxing it felt to glide the crayon across the pages and allow your mind to be free from the day's stress?  Or have you ever started a home improvement project that involved painting?  These are some fantastic ways to use color and art to release emotions and stressful feelings, while contributing to your overall state of Wellness.

Art Therapy Explained

According to

 “Art therapy is used to improve cognitive and sensorimotor functions, foster self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change."

 Art therapists are highly trained clinicians who work to serve individuals who require coping with mental health, emotional, and spiritual growth. Art therapy is found in private offices, universities, public schools, and art studios, to name a few.  And as we navigate state closures, more online sources are becoming available and more accessible. states that art therapy focuses more on "the inner experience" of one versus technique.  Which allows a person to become fully engage in what they are feeling in the moment.  Art therapy is linked to helping individuals who suffer from trauma, violence, and other psychological impairments. Because of its gentle and versatile approach, Art Therapy can be beneficial for both men and women as well as children and the elderly. It has also been used in rehabilitations center, correctional facilities, and hospitals.

Ways to Explore Art Therapy

A great way to begin researching Art therapy and see if it fits into your lifestyle would be to research facilities in your area that offer programs.  And even if you cannot get to a studio, or health care office, school, etc., taking an alternative route by finding an online Art studio that promotes wellness through art would be a great choice as well. Art is a fun way to connect with family members and friends and check in on the ones we love during this time.  So grab your Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and Grandparents and get to painting!  

Be Creative at Home

I understand that finances can be a little tight in these times, so if you are unable to pay for an Art Therapy session or class.  Get creative at home by painting an old cardboard box, grocery bags, or paper towel holders.  You can also keep it super simple, grab some white paper and colored pencils, and tune into Youtube for some coloring and drawing tutorials. And for parents, Grab your kids, sit with them, and do some old fashion coloring in their coloring books.  Having these connections with your children in this season is essential. Trust me friends, taking care of your wellness does not always have to cost a lot. It just takes your commitment! 

Here recipe to get your artistic juices flowing.

Strawberry Cupcakes with Sprinkles

  1. 1 box strawberry Cake Mix (Follow Instructions on back of box for preparation and ingredients needed)
  2. 1 can of strawberry frosting
  3. 1 container multi-colored Sprinkles
  4. 24 strawberries
  5. Cupcake holders

Follow the directions to prepare 24 cupcakes located on the back of the cake mix box.  Removed baked cupcakes from pan and allow them 30 minutes to cool. After cupcakes have cooled,  add two tablespoons of frosting to each cupcake and add sprinkles.  Top the cake with a strawberry and repeat this process until all the cupcakes are completed.  Share with a friend and enjoy!


Self-Care With Ajaba Naturals

This past week I have enjoyed the summer through water play; however, it has been drying my skin.  So after showering in the evening, I grab my Ajaba Naturals Homemade Rose, Lily, and Grapefruit Ultra Nourishing whipped Body Butter and apply it to my skin.  Its coconut oil, mango, and shea butter rejuvenate my skin and allow it to feel moisturized again.  And did I mention that it smells delightful? A little goes a long way with the body butter, so add it to those parts of your body that can benefit from a bit of rejuvenation. Ajaba Naturals does not add fillers to their products, only quality oils and butters that hydrate and provides incredible benefits to your skin.

Show your body some love, and I will see you next week, friends, on the Wellness Corner with Cassandra!

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