Staying Well Through Exercise and Caring for your Feet

Staying Well Through Exercise and Caring for your Feet


Hello Friends!

Thank you for joining me on the Wellness Corner. This week friends I want to suggest that we get moving together! If you are anything like me the first few weeks of quarantine were all about stocking up on food, supplies, and protective gear, for the uncertainty that was to come in our lives. Additionally this included for me, eating a large portion of the food I purchased, while stressing over when and how I would return to work and what my new normal would look like. I remember attending my last staff meeting on a Friday in March 2020, when we were given inconsistent information on whether or not we would return on Monday. This prompted some stress in my body and all those extra crackers, peanut butter, and other processed snacks (with long shelf life) became very comforting, and might I say, quite tasty!

After several weeks of this I noticed that I was feeling sluggish, and I was becoming less active. A couple weeks ago I decided that I had enough of feeling bad and decided to get active. As a commitment to myself, I use at least 30 minutes of my day to walk, work out, or dance to my favorite playlist. And friends, I have seen so much improvement in my mood, perception and outlook on what is to come for the future.

Now we all know that there is no magic solution that will totally eliminate our stressors, however a faith and a commitment to our wellness will keep us all encouraged. When my body is healthy, my emotional health is at its best! And as I have mentioned to you every week, routine is key to successful results. So make this a fun routine you can incorporate into you daily life in this season. Whether you are working from home, working outside the home, or even in the process of starting a new career. Taking care of your body is so essential right now. Here is one of my favorite smoothie recipes to give you some energy to get Moving! 


Green Smoothie Recipe 

1 and 1/2 Banana

1 cup Mango

2 cups of Spinach

1 cup Pineapple

1 cup ice

1 1/2 cup water or favorite juice 


Add Bananas, mango spinach and pineapple to the blender. Next add water or your favorite juice, and ice cubes. (You may need to add a splash more of water or juice, depending on your blender) Blend to your desired thickness and enjoy! 

Because I am all about being rewarded for hard work, three times a week, I suggest using the Ajaba Naturals Green Tea All Natural Shimmering Bubble Bath and Calming Soaking Powder on your feet. After a nice hot shower, I grab my small rectangular bucket and I add a scoop of the powder. I then fill the bucket about 3/4 full of warm water.

Next, I place my feet into the bucket and allow them to soak for around 30 minutes. Lastly I remove my feet, pat them dry, and enjoy the softness of my feet as well as the calming Green tea scent. To lock in the moisture, I then add my favorite oil or moisturizing cream to my feet. This process allows me to pause, reflect and enjoy the sensation.

Too often in the past, I have neglected my feet. I now understand the importance of taking care of my feet and I have recently learned that tired feet affect my overall feeling of Wellness. I have also used the Ajaba Naturals Green Tea Bubble Bath and Calming Soaking Powder in the bathtub on occasions. The powder forms great bubbles and the smell is so pleasant. It also has moisturizing properties that keep your skin feeling soft even when you leave the bath water.

A nice warm bath is great when you can make extra time in your schedule to enjoy a little rest and relaxation. So this week friends let's show our feet that they are loved and appreciated for all they do. Let's get soaking! And I will see you back here next week as we talk more about Wellness and Wellbeing.

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